Following Instructions and Going with the Flow
as first-class biological organisms. I thought that this kind of acceptance
by the scientific community was necessary in the future for our best
relations with the dolphins. However, I still feel uneasy about this
kind of just fication.
At the peak of the dolphin research we had thirty people working on
this research. My etbical duty here was to close down the research m
such a way that these people would not be left without jobs. During
the subsequent year, places were found for these people. The dolphin
brain group was moved intact to another scientific laboratory at Worcester,
Massachusetts. Our computer was sent back to the Naffonal Institute
of Mental Health at Bethesda, Maryland. The accumulation of scientific
apparatus was split between the brain research group in their new location
and the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center to which I was movmg to
continue LSD work under legal auspices.
During the 1964-1966 series of experiments with LS D the relationship
between my wife and myself had be come intolerably strained. In the
subsequent retirement of all of the dolphin projects, she and I became
sepa rated. The accumulated strains between us became so painful that
it was necessary to terminate the relationship.
In the summer of 1968, the last of the dolphin papers entitled "Reprogramming
the Sonic Output of the Bottlenosed Dolphin, was published
in theJournal of the Acoustical Society of America in the July
issue. This paper summarized my position in regard to the present state
of the art of communication with the bottlenosed dolphin. It added considerable
technical detail to what I had written in The
Mind of the Dolphin, published the previous year. The new ideas
derived from the LSD tank experiments, the human biocomputer programming
and metaprogrammimg
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