Following Instructions and Going with the Flow
cover. I saw along the left-hand side of the bed. I was filled with
feelings of love and warmth.
Suddenly the cover over the bed on the left-hand side near the floor
burst into flame. The flames traveled up and began to go over the top
of the bed. I smelled smoke and moved back, feeling a sense of threat.
I came back to the room in the hotel and suddenly realized that I had
traveled out of my body from Topeka, Kansas, to Beverly Hills, Cahfomia,
and that I was in tbe bedroom of my first LSD gmde.
I called her up on the telephone and just said, "What happened
five minutes ago? She said, 'I was in bed with books all over the top
of the bed reading. I got up to go to the bathroom, came back, couldn't
find my glasses among all the books and grabbed the cover over the bed
and violently pulled it off, throwing all of the books on the floor.
I very briefly lost my temper. I found the glasses and climbed back
into bed."
I then told her what I'd gone through. She agreed to report anytlung
further that happened during the subsequent two days. She agreed that
it was important that first she tell me what had happened to her rather
than the other way around so that we would not be doing cross or parailel
programming. In these experiments, I wanted to see if I was traveling
and detecting what was going on in her particular regions. These experiments
would have been impnoved if we had had a third observer to which each
of us would have reported, but we decided that this was the way to do
it at that tune.
The next day Ken, Helen, and I repeated our experiment of the previous
day. Once more a peculiar repc.tition from the past took place and it
appeared as if I was evading getting to the two guides.
As I went deep into trance this time, I suddenly was on another planet,
not earth, in a deep cave, a very peculiar vertical cave with a spherioal
chamber at the
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