Following Instructions and Going with the Flow
experiments using LSD at the Spring Grove State Hospital. The protocol
of the experiments was exposed to several committees for a decision
as to whether or not the group that proposed the experiments would be
authorized to do them. I went over the protocols of the proposal from
the Spring Grove State Hospital. In no case was it proposed that investigators
be exposed to the experimental procedure first.
This lack of involvement of the investigators in their own scientific
research as first subjects comes from another line of tradition than
the one that I have been brought up and trained in. The justification
of the opposing school, if you wish, is as follows: The patient has
a disease, say, cancer. The investigator does not have this disease,
therefore if you are trying some new therapeutic procedure to try to
cure the disease you can't use yourself because you don't have the disease
to cure.
I do not agree with this argument at all. You should not do to a patient
what you are not willing to do to yourself. You do not know whether
or not you are willing to do it on yourself until you try it on yourself.
Even if you don't have the disease, whatever the procedure is that you
propose using, it should not be damaging enough to prevent you from
doing it on yourself, If it is, it should not be done on others. Therefore,
until you ve proved to your own satisfaction that it is not damaging
on animals amd then proved to your own satisfaction that it is not damaging
on yourself, it is better not to use it.
Back in the fifties, this was the argument that I used against putting
brain electrodes into humans. I knew from my animal studies that no
matter how you put brain electrodes in a brain some damage to the brain
took place during the insertion procedure. Unless one was willing to
undergo this amount of damage by inserting
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