Following Instructions and Going with the Flow
and produced babies while taking LSD. I know of these children today
and they are really delightful people. There is no sign of damage whatsoever.
I am reminded of a cartoon that appeared in Cavalier magazine
at that time during the height of the publie controversy: A long-haired
boy is looking up at a poster, and says, "They're grasping at straws."
The poster is a picture of an adolescent with a big sign across it saying
"LSD causes acne."
As the national negative program reached its height, the enthusiasm
for proving LSD damaging captured the imagination of many scicntists
and they set out to prove that it was damaging without realiy knowing
what they were domg. Careful subsequent testig proved these people to
be overenthusiastic and quite wrong in their conclusions. If you wish
to check these points, look at the papers published from Spring Grove
State Hospital by the LSD research group.5
This then is the account of my transition period from the 1964-1966
series of experiments with LSD in the tank and the temporary withdrawal
of my research interest in the dolphin communication study.
5: Papers by Drs. Walter Pahnke, Stanislaf Orof, Charles
Savage, ard Albert Kurland from the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center,
Catonsville, Md.