responder 2001
Hydrophone input to a Macintosh, data brought into Macromedia Director via the asFFT Xtra written by Antoine Schmitt. Whistle recognition and graphic interface programming written by Jim Suhre. Machine communication via the "SerialXtra" and additional tech support by Geoff Smith. Responder2001 consists of 2 programs, a "listener" and a "displayer". Tasks were separated to achieve the highest number of timeslices possible when taking data. "Displayer" machine is also a touchscreen
responder 2001 - LISTENING MACHINE INTERFACE Example of Listening Interface screen. Sixteen whistles, each associated with a word represented by the icons at the right are listened for. Numeric data for each whistle is recorded, and compared to pre-recorded scores of the whistles that are looked for. Numbers to the left of each icon are the deviations from each recorded whistle to the most recent "hot" whistle. Low score wins. In this example, yellow scores are those with a score good enough to get extra consideration, with the white score easily the best recognized whistle. In this case, the computer recognizes the whistle for "human".
responder 2001 - Quad-Split DISPLAY SCREEN Example of Display Interface screen. Second level of whistle/object association. 4 random shapes are shown. When either a recognized whistle is given or a touch is made in a quadrant, that particular shape grows to full screen, while the others disappear. The computer then plays back the "correct" whistle, and also the word in english. |