The Dyadic cyclone is the combination of two personal centres.
In this book it is a male and female combination -- two rotating cyclones
with their enclosed centres, one rotating to the right and the other
rotating to the left. In The Dyadic Cyclone, Toni and John ask the question
'Is it possible to merge two centres, two cyclones, one male, one female,
in such a way that there can be a rising, quiet centre shared by both?'
In our five years together, we have sought means to achieve this between
us. This book is the story of that five years insofar as we can tell
it at this time.
"In one's life there can be peculiarly appropriate chains of related
events that lead to consequences that are strongly desired. After
such experiences, one wonders how such a series of events developed;
sometimes there is a strong feeling that some intelligence (greater
than ours) directed the course along certain lines which It/He/She
was/is programming. In such a series, life becomes greater than one
expected, planned/programmed/realized as possible.
The actual events (at the time of occurrence) may be experienced as
negative (punishing), positive (rewarding), and/or neutral (indifferently
objective); the real experiences themselves may involve pain/fear/anger,
joy/delight/love, and/or a state of being of objectivity/neutrality/
dispassionate-appraisal. One's own participation in the events seems,
later, somehow predicated on being taught something that one needed
to know before the next events unfolded" -- John C. Lilly
Chapter 15 - The Dolphins Revisited
Chapter 16 - Searching for Evidence of Extraterrestrial