In Coconut Grove, Scott McVay said nonsense syllables; combinations of consonant/vowels, consonant/vowels, consonant/vowels in lists of one hundred or more in groups up to ten. Elvar would reproduce those. If Scott made a mistake and said for example, "hees-oos-rrs,....ahh....correction" and then he gave ten more, then Elvar would only give the ten after the word "correction." One day a man from Bell Labs was working with phonetically balanced words and he dropped the list. Elvar sounded, "let's go, come on let's go!!."--JCL

SOUNDBYTES of Scott and Elvar

you need the SHOCKWAVE plug-in

"ca - ra"

"oh - li - vey"

"wah - ooh"

"en - ain - eet"

Load 'em all by clicking here.

Go fix yourself a Kahlua (or a PassionOrangeGuava juice if you're under 80) if you click this one, because it takes a while to load--but when it does you'll have them all at your discretion.