While at the St. Thomas Laboratory, Dr. Lilly asked one of his assistants, Margaret Howe, to live continuously with dolphins for extended periods of time. The first period was for seven days, the second lasted for two and a half months.
Woman and Dolphin:
Margaret Howe and Peter, Pam, & Sissy Dolphins
SOUNDBYTES of Margaret and Peter
WEEK ONE June 15 to 19, 1965
WEEK TWO June 19 to 25, 1965
WEEK THREE June 27 to Ju!y 2, 1965
WEEK FOUR July 3 to 10, 1965
WEEK FIVE July 11 to 17, 1965
WEEKS SIX AND SEVEN July 17 to August 1, 1965
WEEKS EIGHT THRU TEN August 2 to August 18, 1965