Following Instructions and Going with the Flow
larger than ours, and that they were far more developed than we in
strange and alien ways. From 1959 until 1966 I had been working on the
problem of communicating with these beings. To do this I was using the
classical methods of catching dolphins and puttTng them into confinement
in a laboratory. The work was being done by two groups, one in St. Thomas
and the other in Miami, Florida. In Miami the group was mainly the brain
research group. In St. Thomas it was mainly the communication group.
During the LSD experiences in the tank in the Virgin Islands, from 1964
to 1966, I had come upon the powerful set of concepts of "going
with the flow," of following instructions of the guides, and of
feeling the pulse of the universe here on the planet earth. Partly this
comes from inside one's self and partly from other sources, at present
unkuown. The instructions of the guides epitomized the sources unknown.
In the awe, reverence, and wonder of exploring the many spaces present
inside myself and in the universe I found that I was developing a very
powerful ethic. This ethic was beginning to regulate my life, my attitude,
my relations with others, and my professional career. This ethic I epitomized
in The Mind of the Dolphin when I
said that I had borrowed Erik Erikson's rephrasing of the Golden Rule,
"Do unto others and not do unto others what you would have the
others do unto you and not do unto yOII. The others are to inelude other
species, other entities, other beings in this universe."
I finished the book, The Mind of the Dolphin
in 1966; it was published in 1967. At the time of publication I
had all of the information that was needed to carry out the instructioms
of the two guides and to follow this new ethic. However, to do so was
going to
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