Following Instructions and Going with the Flow
cost me a lot of inconvenience, a lot of friends, a lot of pain, and
my family.
I suddenly realized that I must stop the dolphin research. It was not
being done in consonance with the new ethic. What I was doing and allowing
to be done in my name was counter to where I wanted to go and hence
it must be eliminated.
If I was to realize my desire to move into these regions, these new
spaces, and communicate with thcse new entities, the dolphin project
would have to be finished and thoroughly done over. The only way that
I could see to do this effectively was to completely eliminate the whole
then- current dolphin project and wait for a number of years until a
proper one could be designed and carried out. As I wrote in The
Mind of the Dolphin, the new project would mean complete freedom
on the part of the dolphins to come and go as they pleased' rather than
as we pleased. In that book it was proposed that a house be built by
the sea. Part of the house would be flooded so that the dolphins could
enter and be a part of the family life in that house. Both Margaret
Howe ( my associate ) and I came to this conclusion after the dedicated
communication efforts Margaret made in the dolphin laboratory in the
fiooded rooms in St. Thomas.
To clear The way for the new project based on enffrely new assumptions
the current projects were to be closed down.
The day that this clear decision came to me and before I'd had a chance
to communicate it to my colleagues, one of the dolphins in the Miami
laboratory stopped eating. During a subsequent three weeks, despite
powerful medical aids to recapture her appetite, she wasted away. During
the next three weeks four more dolphins committed suicide by refusing
to eat or
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