Following Instructions and Going with the Flow
the word was programming 90 per cent of what he heard.
This experiment demonstrated that people are constantly being programmed
below levels of their awareness by the periphery of their vision. It
is probably a good thing that this is true. It allows us to drive a
car and to walk and to do various other tasks including reading in a
smooth fashion without having to think about everything that happens.
The human biocomputer is constantly being programmed, continually, simply
and naturally, below its levels of awareness, by the surrounding environment.
We noticed that some subjects were quite upset with these effects, which
were beyond their immediate conscious control. They would not accept
the fact that their brain was reading a word and registering the meaning
of that word below their levels of awareness. No matter how hard they
tried they could not read the word unless they put their visual axis
directly on the word, thus spoiling the experiment. To avoid such effects,
of course, we had an observer looking at their eyes and any cases in
which they let their eyes move were discommted. This kind of upset was
easily corrected by continuing the demonstrations. As the person got
used to such results and accepted them, he no longer became upset by
the unconscious operations of his biocomputer. Later, I was to use this
effect to show people some of the projechon mechanisms in their own
biocomputer in workshops at Esalen Institute.
From the repeating word effect, I learned something about going with
the flow, relaxing and allowing instructions from some place else to
run my biocomputer. If one relaxes totally while listening to the repeating
word, one can quickly find all of the phenomena that I have described
above. However, if one is "up tight" and refuses to really
"let go" even though one would
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