Following Instructions and Going with the Flow
like to let go, these phenomena just do not occur as frequently.
My further lessons in going with the flow and following instruction
were given at Topeka, Kansas, by Dr. Ken Godfrey and his colleague,
Helen Bonny.
I started a scries of experiments with Ken and Helen on hypnosis. I
wanted to find out if I cmfld achieve the same states with hypnosis
as I achieved in the 1964-1966 experimcntal series with LSD. I also
ran into some very powerful mental telepathy experiences under these
circumstances, which were a further demonstration that if one went into
the flow and followed the instructions of the two guides, various things
would happen that are not explicable by consensus science means.
In Topeka, the three of us, Ken, Helen and myself, first became very
deeply acquainted with one another in a six- hour session, in which
we barred no holds in regard to what we were and what we wanted to do.
This kind of a preliminary conference in depth is very important in
order to be able to relax enough with one another to get the programming
effects of the "hypnotic trance." In order to relax enough
to enter these special "trance" states, one must be thoroughly
acquainted with and trust the others.
At the first session, it was decided that I would try to go deep and
they would stay at higher levels of trance. I would try to get back
to the region of the two guides.
I knew I could get to that region under threat of death or with LSD
in the tank--that is, isolation combincd with a chemical. The point
of this experiment was to see if I could get to this region by nondrug,
nonisolation methods in the presence of otber pcople.
Ken was the programmer and Helen gave me support as I went deeper. In
the first experiment, I came upon various hindrances to gctting to the
guides. As I was going deep, trying to reach the region of clear golden
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